Friday, April 12, 2013

My Mountain Song

The day my mother told me--I'll never forget.
"We're moving to Tennessee."
Instant fear and regret.
Those words consumed my mind
And with tears in my eyes, I sighed.
What about school? I graduate in a year!
What about all of my friends? I struggle to hold back tears.
But there was nothing I could do, for the date had been set.
So I had to stay strong and tell myself, maybe this is for the best.
I knew my life would be different in those years to come.
From year-round summers, to red and yellow autumns.
There laid no beaches here, just mossy creek bottoms.
I didn't see any alligators or crocodiles.
No manatees or sea turtles.
There were horses in my backyard instead of boats.
Rows of green palms became shady oaks.
From warm sunburns to chilly snowfalls.
And where the land had once laid flat, now stands tall.
From loose sand to packed clay.
From milky coconuts, to dry hay.
What is this place?
At first it sucked, and I didn't fit in.
Until I graduated and came to CN.
I learned all about Appalachia, and I was moved by her culture.
I began to dream big dreams for me and my future.
A teacher, a reader, a singer, a believer!
And now I realize, I finally see.
Whatever I become, whoever I may be,
I know my biggest influence is Rocky Top Tennessee.

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