Friday, April 12, 2013

Mountain Top Removal: End it.

More than 500 of the oldest mountains in the world have been blown up thanks to surface mining.
This process is something that humans have chosen to do in order to collect coal.
We all know that coal is burned in order to produce our electricity. However, coal is a non-renewable resource and when it is burned, it has terrible effects on human health and on the environment.
Coal mining is a serious job, with a serious paycheck. Although the workers are making money, they are also destroying their homes and families.
Sadly, Appalachia is becoming more known for its high production of coal instead of for its loving community and wonderful landscapes. Even though this is a highly powerful industry, it can be stopped.
If you want to put an end to surface mining, you are part of the .029%
That is less than one percent of the entire world population.
If you love Appalachia, you will do more research on the matter.
I'll even help you get started....

First, please watch this 4 minute video on the effects of strip mining.
If 4 minutes is too long, then you are careless.

Second, visit to sign the pledge and make your voice heard.
(there is also another video on their home page that is worth watching: it explains the harsh effects on human health due to surface mining).

Third, enjoy this amazing Appalachian musician, Lou Wilson, in her ability to share the love of her culture through music.

That's only three steps!!! Let your voice be heard and watch our region transform.

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