Friday, March 1, 2013


Marching into March! Praise God for the gift of seasons and the persistent coming of warmth each year.

Today was my stepbrother, Jackson's, birthday. He is 9. I remember when I was 9 and it's depressing to think of how fast time goes by. But, when I was at my house today, the subject of God came up. He always pops up unexpectedly which I should be used to by now. God is never dull, nor will he appear in dull moments. I have learned tonight that Jackson, a nine year old boy, has become passionate about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. How beautiful is it to hear from a child, a creature we believe to be so naive, the words of truth and life. The passionate love of Christ lives within each and every human being who accepts him as their savior and this warm reminder was the cherry on top of my night, and a great way to start the month. The fact that God's grace can be simple enough for a nine year old to understand hits home in so many positive ways. I held back tears of joy as his mom expressed how proud she was of her son's new found faith.

As the conversation continued between the others in the room, we began to discuss the ages at which we became saved. Some people said it happened when they were young, while others, such as myself, shared that their first encounter with God had not come into play until adulthood. I had not understood the concept fully until I was 17 years old. Granted, I was baptized and (technically) saved at a very young age, but God never 'touched' my soul until I really asked him to. The argument began with the idea that people have an 80% chance of going to hell if they do not ask Jesus into their heart before the age of 18. I quickly disagreed because I am one-hundred percent positive that Jesus is willing to meet every soul right where they are and age will never be a limitation. Because God is good, and his mercy endures forever. I believe that as long as you are bold enough to fully release yourself from the bondage of your flesh, you are accepted into the kingdom of God.

I reassured them that we worship a limitless God and they all agreed, thankfully.
My mom chimes in with a story, "Brittany, do you remember me telling you about the time I realized God was real?"
I lied, "yes", because I knew she would retell the story regardless of my answer.
"Well", she begins to tell the group. "I had Brittany when I was nineteen years old and I was all about having a social life, whatever that means. I had no time for a baby. Her father and his parents had gotten custody of her and kept her for the first year and a half of her life. As I was living my own selfish life, something slapped me across the face, hard. At that moment, I knew that my life was not my own. I realized that another human being's survival depended on my tender love and care. I knew what I was created to be: a mother. I cried for weeks, begging God to bring my baby girl back, because I needed her. I went to a Pentecostal church where they prayed powerfully over me, begging God in the same way I did during those depressing weeks. After thousands of tears, and one month later, I was reunited with my first born". She looks at me with puffy eyes and tears running down her cheeks.

I was stunned. Because for years, I was told many different stories. My grandparents told me that my mom handed me over to them because she did not want me. My father told me that my mom was crazy and incapable of raising a child. My mother told me that my grandparents had stolen me and got custody behind her back. Come to think of it, my aunt was the only one to tell me anything close to the truth which was not brought about unitl Thanksgiving of 2012.
"Your mom was way too young and scared to raise you on her own", Becca said. "She let grandma and grandpa take care of you until she could get back on her feet".

Regardless of how I was reunited with my mother, the moral is that God saves people everyday and if you believe in the power of prayer, you will get what you ask for. Age will never limit its power.

Happy Birthday my sweet sweet Jackcon.

I could sing of Your love forever.